Almost all the Thankyous After the May 21st Event

Note: I wrote this up at first, for the videographer to have some text to explain this event. I wrote the text in English, then used software to translate. We never did have a definitive list of “members” of the Choir. Until now. And still people are missing. We used photos of the event May 21st to count heads and confirm who was who.

The video done by Katya will be seen in Ukraine, I am sure.

за участю

Балканський хор штату Мен та оркестр обіймів мес
зі спеціальними запрошеними солістами
Людмила Юрченко та Даша Артемчук


Anne Tatgenhorst and Sarah Hipkens



Will Bristol

piano accompanist and sound technician

Катя Данілова


About (

Таня Чередніченко

послідовний перекладач з англійської на українську


члени оркестру Huddled Masses для цієї події

Joe Niemczura (trumpet) 

Jim Paton (trumpet) 

Jay Hanes (trumpet)

Tom Jamrog (accordion)

Candace Hart (Tuba)

Shana Hanson (violin)


Учасники Балканського хору штату Мен

Члени підгрупи Еллсворт

Dasha Artemchuk

Kaitlyn Cowles

Claire Cullinane

Mary Doherty

Rose Holdsworth

Bill Lippincott

Michael Marion

Cindy Robbins 

Eloise Schultz

Anne Tatgenhorst

Sarah Wagner

Nicole Zerrien

Члени підгрупи Белфаст

Meg Berger

Abby Curtis

Chris Groden

Jamie Huntsberger

John McIntyre

Joe Niemczura

Nancy Raich

Peter Smith

Jim Tatgenhorst

Mary Taylor

Члени підгрупи “Портлендська область”

Patricia Cannon (also, mandolin)

Johna Cook

Mary Beth Davidson

Catherine Eliot

Carlin Gayer

Deb Gordon

Sarah Hipkens

Caroline Hyde

Ludmila Iurchenko (Also, Bayan)

Janet Lynch (also cello)

Rowan May

Theresa Oleksiw

Oksana Siankov

Ann Swardlick

Helena Tatgenhorst

John Todd

Zinalda Volkova

Julia Walkling

Jerrie Will

Susan West


Fr Constantine Sarantidis, priest of Holy Trinity

Інна Чередніченко, Ukraine in Maine UforU Facebook page

Катя Данілова videographer, Auburn

Вадим Дашевский, music arranger, Kiev

Amy Fuller Ukraine in Maine FaceBook page

Sasha Kutsy Belfast Masquers

Janet Lynch, Linden Lea Performance Venue, Pownal 

Chris Marshall, ethnomusicologist, Freedom

John Moore, piano accompanist Ellsworth

St Andrews Lutheran Church, Ellsworth

Toki Oshima, graphic artist, Belfast

the late Kirsten Stockman, Bar Harbor

WMPG FM radio, Portland

We wish to thank every singer and every person involved with the production of this event.

This is not us, but it’s a tune we play.